About us


ViniPortugal is the Interprofessional Association of the Portuguese Wine Industry, recognised by the Ministry of Agriculture. It is the managing entity for the brand Wines of Portugal.

About ViniPortugal

Founded in 1996 as a private non-profit association, it groups leading associations and professional organisations representing the trade (ACIBEV e ANCEVE), production (FENAVI and FEVIPOR), cooperative wineries (FENADEGAS), distillers (AND), farmers (CAP) and demarcated regions (ANDOVI). 

Through ViniPortugal, the brand Wines of Portugal is consistently present in 4 continents and 21 strategic markets. With an annual investment of more then 8 million euros, ViniPortugal carries out over 100 annual Portuguese wine promotional actions involving over 400 national wine economic agents.



ViniPortugal's Board, elected in May 2020, for the 2020/2023 triennium, is composed of three members: Frederico Falcão, João Gomes da Silva and Jorge Basto Gonçalves.

Frederico Falcão


Mário Joaquim Abreu Lima

Vice President

Production Representation

João Gomes da Silva


Trade Representation

Management Tools

VINIPORTUGAL is ruled by the following management tools:

The Institutional Strategic Plan

covers a period of 3 years, with the Plan for the 2020/2023 triennium in force.

The Marketing and Promotion Plan for the Wines of Portugal Brand

covers a period of 3 years. The current version covers the same period.

The Annual Operational Plan

comprising the Activity Plan, Marketing Plan and Budget.


Marketing Organization Chart

PDF, 211.9kb

Bylaws - December 2024

PDF, 6.41mb

Management Organization Chart

PDF, 339.58kb

Código de Conduta

PDF, 2.0mb

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